and his three siblings, and mother were found and trapped in an alleyway in a neighboring development. Scout is paralyzed from the waist down.
We've all taken
quite a shine to this quirky, happy, and affectionate little boy. He's endured more doctor and specialist visits than most people.
Scout is the fastest cat on 2 feet.
He's Always inviting his friends over to hangout with him.
He even lets us dress him up for a day out of physical therapy and doctor visits.
Scout endures
physical therapy in a pool and his wheelchair in order to strengthen his “good leg”. The other leg needs to be taped in order to pull his ankle up so that it can help him in the wheel chair from the bottom of the paw instead of the dragging the knuckle. He handles is all like a champ.
Scout and his sister Chloe.
From Top to bottom
Chloe, Junior, and Wiley. All three are Scouts siblings. All perfectly happy, healthy, and affectionate.
He’s such a happy little boy. We love him dearly. Its been costly covering his treatments. He’s getting laser and acupuncture every week. We’re all still hoping to make him stronger and to help him use the litter box on his own one day. All donations are 100% applied to the care of our animals here. Please help us continue to care for him and the rest of the residents at ACR.